Do You Suffer From This Common Shoulder Complaint?
Shoulder Anterior Impingement Syndrome (SAIS) is caused when the supraspinatus tendon (1 of the 4 rotator cuff muscles) becomes painfully entrapped between the acromion (part of the shoulder blade) and the greater tuberosity of the humerus (upper arm bone) when raising your hand and turning your shoulder inward.
Image Courtesy of Full Function Rehab & Wellness
Why Did This Happen?
First, it almost always happens as a long term effect of poor shoulder girdle mobility and stability. Then, you participate in careers, sports, hobbies etc that require chronic repetitive overhead movements and the result is impingement syndrome.
The shape and development of your acromion can also predispose you to this condition.
Initially, they can be limited. However, some common early symptoms include sharp pain with overhead activity or while reaching behind the back to fasten a bra or close a zipper.
Later, this can develop into a constant ache that is even present at rest.
You may notice decreased range of motion with your shoulder, too.
Not only are we going to focus on controlling the pain and inflammation, but we will re-train your body to move your shoulder pain-free overhead that way you can continue working and doing what you love!
Putting off treatment and rehab of shoulder anterior impingement syndrome puts you at risk of developing an actual tear in the rotator cuff, biceps tendonitis, or subacromial bursitis.