You NEED To Know This About Low Back Pain
The low back is subject to a tremendous about of load and strain throughout the day whether it be repetitive bending and lifting, long periods of sitting at work, or an injury.
When excessive stress is placed on the soft tissue and muscles surrounding the spine, ligament sprains or muscle strains can occur.
The most often injured regions of the low back are L4-L5 and L5-S1 because they are subject to the greatest ranges of motion with the highest stress or load.
Ligaments serve as the primary “static” stabilizer and act to limit the end range of motion within the spine.
Muscles serve as the dynamic stabilizers which provides stability to the spine as it moves throughout its range or motion.
Sprain and strain injuries can occur from one single traumatic event or from years of overuse/overloading.
Must Watch Explanation
Stressors applied over an extended period of time can lead to muscle fatigue, inflammation, and micro-tearing.
Risk Factors For Low Back Pain:
Prolonged sitting
Repetitive bending and lifting without proper bracing and biomechanics
Poor workstation ergonomics
Poor conditioning
Muscular weakness and imbalances
Our spines are meant to move. In today’s world we sit way too much. Do not forget to get your daily movement in to help reduce your risk of low back pain.
80% of people will experience low back pain at least once in their life. We are providing the highest quality care in Southern Illinois to keep you moving pain-free.
Chiropractic, corrective exercise, and soft tissue manipulation are proven treatment options for low back pain! We are producing faster and longer lasting results without drugs or surgery!