The Quarantined Athlete

With sports being delayed/cancelled and gyms closing, many athletes are struggling mentally and physically to stay at peak performance. Here are 7 ways that the quarantined athlete can keep up with their body during this time.

  1. Use the down time to get proper attention and care on past, recurring, and/or recent sports injuries. You want to make sure this is not an issue or obstacle when the seasons start again.

  2. Work on mobility. The amount of time spent sitting or being sedentary is increasing with the quarantine. in saying this, most athletes are going to experience a lack of mobility throughout the body. There should be focus on setting time aside each day to work on mobility drills and exercises. 

  3. Keep up with cardiovascular fitness. The quarantine does not limit people from going outside to jog or walk. You are strongly encouraged to take multiple days throughout the week to perform cardio training and get that blood flowing. 

  4. Healthy eating. Keep implementing eating habits that help make champions and elite performers. Do not settle for the quick and easy junk meal.

  5. Stay on a consistent sleep cycle. Do not fall into many 3 am video game nights. Make sure you are keeping your body on a normal and healthy sleep cycle.

  6. Mediation/Visualization/Mindful Thinking. I highly suggest relaxing with your eyes closed while thinking about how you can improve yourself. Picture what successful practices, training, and game performances look like. This will help you achieve these goals later.

  7. Watch past game film if available. I challenge you to avoid watching your best performances. Instead, watch the film of bad performances and learn from it. Ultimately, you will learn most from your mistakes!

 Southern Spine & Rehab LLC is still open and taking all necessary steps to keep a safe environment.

ATHLETES & PARENTS: Let’s make sure all that hard work to develop the body for peak performance is not lost during this time. Call or book online. 

IN ADDITION,  I am now providing Telehealth appointments. This means you can have an appointment from the comfort of your own home!

In Health, 

Dr. Kolten K. Pedigo, DC, MS

Southern Illinois Sports Doctor

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